Fancy Dress Outfits Starting with M
If you’re looking for costumes that begin with M for a themed party then I’ve compiled a great list for you from the irrepressible M&Ms to classic costumes like Maid Marion or a Matador. Of course there’s lots more to choose from including some great ones for children of the 80s like Maverick, Madonna and Michael Jackson (yes I know Madonna and Michael Jackson weren’t just in the 80s, but their iconic costumes were!)
I’ve compiled this page with a range of others as I used to attend alphabet parties in my 20s and they were so much fun. I read a few years ago that they were making a comeback so for those of you who draw a blank when you have to come up with ideas for costume party here’s your resource list
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Cool Costumes Beginning with M
I’ve put these costume ideas in alphabetical order, I don’t know if that will make it easier for you or not, but it helped me to make sure I didn’t double up on ideas!
- M&Ms – I love these costumes and if there’s a group of you going to a ‘M’ themed event then you can go as different colored M&Ms which is a very effective group costume.
- Macbeth
- Mad Hatter – everyone loves the Mad Hatter and he’s so much fun to dress up as whether you choose the classic version or Johnny Depp’s version.
- Madame Pompadour – Madame Pompadour was chief mistress to France’s King Louis XV from the 1740s to her death in the 1760s so if you want a historical costume then this would be a great person to dress up as.
- Madonna – there are lots of great costumes that Madonna has worn, I tend to think of her Desperately Seeking Susan look when I first think of dressing up as her, but you could always wear her pink dress from Material Girl where she was basically copying Madonna or her ‘Like a Virgin’ wedding dress outfit.
- Mae West – blonde and glamorous actress from Hollywood’s classic years of the 1930s and 40s Mae West was known for her risque double entrendres which means she could be a fun person to dress up as……you could get away with saying all sorts!
- Mafia man or woman – pinstriped 1930 suits with machine guns or baseball bats.
- Magenta (Rocky Horror Picture Show)
- Magician
- Magistrate
- Magnum PI – dust off an old Hawaiian shirt and get a moustache and you’re one of Tom Selleck’s most lovable characters.
- Mahatma Ghandi
- Maid – From a Victorian scullery maid to a sexy French maid there’s a few different looks you could try out if you go with the idea of a maid. Even a hotel housekeeper costume comes under ‘maid service’ doesn’t it?
- Maid Marion – I love some of the costumes that are available if you choose to dress up as Maid Marion, in fact if you love Medieval costumes of any description this is a great idea and I have actually written another page devoted to Maid Marion costumes –
Maid Marion Costumes
I always think of Maid Marion as a romantic heroine of a Medieval tale which makes Maid Marion costumes the ultimate renaissance costume for a lady.
- Majorette
- Maleficent – it can be fun playing a villain and Maleficent does have a very iconic headdress to make her stand out from the crowd!
- Malfoy – if you’re a Harry Potter fan then you can even dress up as one of the characters, even if it is Malfoy!
- Man Eating Shark – this is a fun costume idea that I could see my hubby and a number of his friends wearing!
- Marathon Runner – If you’ve left your costume to the last minute or you just want to wear something that you can make yourself then this is the one for you. Simply put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, some running shoes and get two bits of paper with a number on them and stick one on your back and one on your front. A sports bottle adds another nice touch and you could also spray a little water onto your t-shirt to emulate sweat if you really wanted to.
- Marc Anthony
- Marc Bolan
- Marge Simpson
- Marie Antoinette
- Marilyn Monroe – Marilyn really did have a number of iconic costumes which is why she has her own Marilyn Monroe costume post.
Women’s Deluxe Marilyn White Dress Costume
Marilyn Monroe Hot Pink Costume
- Marine
- Mario
- Marshall aka a sheriff from the wild, wild west
- Martini Glass – Check out my Martini Costumes post, even your dog can come as a drink we like to serve shaken not stirred!
- Mary – there are lots of different Mary’s to dress up as from the Virgin Mary to Mary out of the nursery rhyme, Mary had a Little Lamb. Then you have Mary I of England or her cousin Mary Queen of Scots which gives you the chance to wear a Tudor costume. Another popular Mary costume choice is Mary Poppins, or else you could dress up as Mary Quant, the sixties Mod fashion designer.
- Mash personnel – you can dress up as characters from the television series like Hawkeye, Radar or Hotlips or just dress up as Mash personnel in general.
- Mask (The)
- Masked Crusader (yet another name for Batman)
- Matador, another name for bullfighter in case you’re not sure.
- Matrix Character – If you’ve still got a Trinity or Neo costume you want to show off then just say you’re a Matrix character, alternatively you could dress in a suit and black sunglasses as Agent Smith yet another Matrix character.
- Maverick – either from Top Gun or the James Garner character from the old American Western television series.
- MC Hammer – probably the only time you have a legitimate excuse to wear gold ‘hammer pants’!
MC Hammer Costume
- Medieval person, dress up in medieval costume as just about anyone you like!
- Medusa – a great costume for anyone who isn’t afraid of snakes!
- Meerkat
- Melisandre – otherwise known as the Red Woman from the hugely popular Game of Thrones.
- Men in Black – Simply wear a suit and black wayfarers and you’re good to go as one of the Men in Black.
- Mercenary
- Merlin
- Mermaid
- Mexican bandit
- Mexican Taco
- Michael Jackson – there are lots of different MJ costumes to choose from including the Thriller look or the Billie Jean look or his Bad ensemble.
- Michael Jordan
- Michonne – from the hit show The Walking Dead
- Mickey Mouse
- Military personnel – rather than saying you’re a navy seal, army sarge, airforce pilot just dress up in your favourite military costume and say you’re military personnel and anything else is classified!
- Milkmaid
- Mime Artist
- Minion (from Despicable Me)
Despicable Me Minions Mascot Costume
- Minister – a cabinet minister or a church minister the choice is yours.
- Minnie Mouse
- Minotaur – with the head of a bull and the body of a man this is an unmistakable costume.
- Minstrel – a medieval musician who composed their own songs, you’ll just need to wear a medieval costume and carry a lute or similar instrument.
- Miss Piggy – definitely one of my favorite Muppets.
- Mod
- Moll (basically a flapper outfit or ladies gangster costume)
- Monarch Butterfly – I’ve only seen these costumes in the last couple of years and they really are gorgeous.
- Money – You can buy costumes that are fashioned after money, but this is also one you can make yourself. Cut out a big piece of cardboard and draw on it as though it were a dollar bill and stick it to your outfit. Alternatively just stick lots of Monopoly money all over you.
- Monk – a monk is a very easy costume to wear as it’s very forgiving if you don’t have quite the right figure! I also like the idea of getting a monk costume as it could double as a Friar Tuck costume as well as a Sheldon Cooper costume (remember the episode where they attended a Renaissance Fair and he got annoyed at the historical inaccuracies?)
- Monkey
- Monster – From the Cookie Monster to Frankenstein there are lots of different monsters and costumes to choose from.
- Moose
- Morpheus – from the Matrix
- Morris dancer – a traditional form of English folk dancing Morris dancers have been performing since the Middle Ages.

Purchase from Halloween
- Mortal Kombat characters
- Morticia Addams – from the Addams family, still a popular costume choice which is why they have their very own post – The Addams Family Costume Ideas.
- Moses
- Moulin Rouge dancers
- Mountie – Canada’s finest.
- Movie Star – think red carpet style if you want to be generic or just choose your favourite actor and dress up as them.
- Mr Bean
- Mr Potato Head
- Mr T – I pity the fool who chooses to dress up as Mr T!
- Mummy – there are some great costumes that you can buy that give the illusion that you’re wrapped in bandages and I really recommend using them. Years ago I used actual bandages to wrap myself up as a mummy for a fancy dress costume and it was great, until I realized I needed to go to the toilet that was!!
- Munchkin
- Munsters – this is another great opportunity for a group costume.
- Muppet – dress up as any of the Muppets from Kermit to Miss Piggy or from Animal to the Swedish Chef.
- Musketeer
- Mustard – there are a couple of different costumes available for mustard from mustard sachets to bottles and they are good, I’ve only seen the bottle ones in real life when a couple at a Halloween event were wearing mustard and ketchup bottles.

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