There are some absolutely gorgeous dinosaur Halloween costumes for toddlers available and what toddler doesn’t love dinosaurs? Let’s have a nice big Raawr! and look at some of the best dinosaur costumes for toddlers.
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==> Go Straight to A Selection of Dinosaur Halloween Costumes for Toddlers <==
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Dinosaur Fossil Costumes
Now as cool as dinosaur costumes are I was bowled over when I saw the dinosaur fossil costumes that have been released this year. When my daughter was a toddler one of these would have been her choice as it combines dinosaurs and skeletons – can you say love it in Dinosaur? Raawr!
Toddler’s T-Rex Fossil Costume Toddler Triceratops Costume
These gorgeous costumes are basically jumpsuits which means that your toddler will be comfortable in them (always a good thing to think about, nothing worse than a toddler who wants to take their costume off 5 mins after putting it on!) The black jumpsuits have feet in them and are screen printed to give them the look of fossils. They also come with a matching hood and mitts to keep them nice and snug while they’re trick or treating.
T-Rex Dinosaur Halloween Costumes for Toddlers
The most popular dinosaur for some reason always seems to be the T-Rex which is why most toddler dinosaur costumes feature this big, tall member of the Jurasic period.
Here are my favorite three T-Rex dinosaur costumes for toddlers, I can’t narrow it down any more than that!
T-Rex Toddler Costume Dinosaur Toddler Costume Toddler T-Rex Costume
Aren’t they gorgeous? Can you choose just one T-Rex costume as your favorite? I keep going backwards and forwards between these three with a different favorite each time.
Did you know that in Dinosaur the same word means ‘I love you’, ‘I’m hungry’ & ‘I eat you’? That word is Raawr!
I’m not sure why we all love the T-Rex as they were one of the largest meat eating dinosaurs around so if they had co-existed when we were around we would have been avoiding them very quickly because if they said Raawr! to us it would be meaning ‘I eat you’ NOT ‘I love you’!
There are other dinosaur costumes available for your toddler that are pretty awesome too…
More Toddler Dinosaur Costumes
A Pterodactyl Dinosaur Costume for Your Child
If your child prefers the flying reptiles of the Jurassic period then this cute Pterodactyl costume will be perfect.
Pterodactyl Toddler Costume
I think this ‘flying dinosaur’ costume is really cute and I love the green and purple as I know a number of children who would pick the costume based on the colors alone!
What about other dinosaurs? It’s okay I’m not finished we still have more one to go….
Toddler’s Stegosaurus Dinosaur Costume
When I was a child I used to love the Stegosaurus the most, and not just because they ate plants, I just thought they looked cool.
I don’t think they actually looked like this next costume, but it is a very cute ‘interpretation’ for a toddler –
Toddler Stegosaurus Costume
The big feet are actually shoe covers and I think they really pull the costume together, don’t you?
This next costume is (in my opinion) a much more ‘realistic’ looking Stegosaurus costume for your toddler as I know some may think that the costume above ‘isn’t really a dinosaur mom!’
Child Stegosaurus Costume
Triceraptops Dinosaur Halloween Costume for Toddlers
Another popular dinosaur was the Triceraptops. This dinosaur was a large one with three horns, hence the ‘tri’ part in it’s name, but one the plus side he was a vegetarian so when he said Raawr! you didn’t have to run away!
If your child likes the look of this giant dino with the scary face then why not get them this costume and a little green face paint as well – because what child doesn’t like some face paint on?
Toddler Triceraptops Costume
Well that’s all of the dinosaur costumes I’ve found for your toddler, but if you wanted to make your own dinosaur costume for your toddler there are some great tutorials available.
DIY Dinosaur Costume for Toddlers
My favorite diy dinosaur costume for toddlers came from a new blog I’ve just discovered called Rust & Sunshine and I absolutely loved the grey and yellow combination she used to make her son’s costume, here’s the link –
DIY Dinosaur Costume for Toddler
I hope you’ve enjoyed our jaunt to the Jurassic period for our toddler Halloween costume inspiration today.

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