Create the spookiest house on the block with some of these outdoor Halloween ghost decorations and let’s see if your friends, family and neighbors can still say, “I ain’t afraid of no ghost” after this Halloween at your house! Sorry I couldn’t resist a Ghostbusters reference!
In A Hurry?
==> Go Straight to Great Deals on Outdoor Ghost Decorations
There are lots of ways of creating a ghost’s paradise at your home this Halloween, you just have to decide if you want cute ghosts or scary ghosts or even a mixture of ghosts.
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I like the idea of not letting people know what to expect before entering your yard, but if you want to give them the chance to bypass ‘ghost town’ then you could have this warning out the front –
K&K Interiors Three Ghosts Arrow Replacement
If people choose to enter your yard after that warning then let their senses go crazy with ghosts galore! Besides deciding if you want your ghosts to look cute or terrifying you also have to decide if they’re going to be gathering on the ground or if you’re going to have hanging ghost decorations. Next it’s a case of buying or making, so what are we waiting for? Let’s look at some of the best outdoor Halloween ghost decorations available for this year.
First up we have a ghost gathering – nothing scary about a gang of ghosts is there? These are quite cute ghosts too… the way a gathering of ghosts is actually called a fraid, isn’t that a cool piece of trivia?

Now you could buy a set of 3 or more than one set and they would look great on your lawn, but did you know that they are really easy to make?
How to Make Ghost Halloween Decorations for Your Lawn
To make a version of the ghosts featured above check out – DIY Lawn Ghosts
If you want to make a similar idea, but on a smaller scale (for on your porch, inside or even perched on a tree) you might like to check out this Floating Ghost tutorial
Another idea (and one I’m eager to try this year) is what they call a Tomato Cage Ghost which as you can imagine uses a tomato cage to create the ghost’s form. There are lots of different tutorials for these online, but this is the one I liked the best – How to Make a Tomato Cage Ghost
Hanging Ghost Halloween Decorations
There’s something even more spooky about a hanging ghost halloween decoration, I think it’s because the ghost isn’t touching the ground. You always think of ghostly apparitions floating towards you when you think of a haunted building don’t you?
Large Hanging Ghost Decoration
Again when it comes to hanging ghosts there are the cute looking ones like the one to my right as well as some pretty scary looking ones.
The simple hanging ghosts can also be made at home, in fact these cheesecloth small hanging ghosts are said to be a perfect Halloween craft for kids – DIY Hanging Ghosts Tutorial
You can also make your own floating heads hanging ghosts which look a lot more creepy to me than the cute guy to my right – Floating Head Hanging Ghost Tutorial
There are more complicated ways of creating a hanging ghost too, the How to Make a Packing Tape & Trash Bag Ghost Tutorial is much more in depth, but the end result looks worth it…….I’m just not convinced I could pull that one off!
When it comes to buying a hanging ghost decoration for Halloween you can get a number of animated ones like the one in this video –
You can purchase this hanging, rotating and moaning ghost by clicking right here to go straight to it on
It does use 3AA batteries to help it light up, moan and rotate so be sure to stock up for the haunting season as I’d hate for them to run out on you!
Here are a few more animated hanging ghosts to haunt any visitors to your home…
Hanging Ghost
Flying Ghost
Faceless Spectre
Of course some people don’t see whole forms of a ghost after all the spirits show themselves in some strange ways at times – like faces that appear in the mirror behind you and vanish when you turn around. Then there’s that feeling you get when you feel their presence and yet you don’t see anything.
Create a ghostly atmosphere with the help of a fog machine (they love appearing on foggy nights after all) and add a few concealed fans for the breeze and cold that you sometimes feel as they brush past you.
There are lots of non-ghost props that you can use to enhance the feeling of spirits around you such as a couple of gravestones in the back yard that they can congregate around (not a whole cemetery just one or two).
You could also leave an ouiji board on a table near some ghostly apparitions or a crystal ball for that mystical feel.
I like the idea of the place having an old unused feel around it, almost like the ghosts have taken over – cobwebs in corners with spiders, what looks like a broken window or two and boarded up doors etc. Of course for a bit of comic relief you could leave some ball and chain on the ground and run around looking for your ghost that got away!
Of course now the only question is should you dress up as a ghost or a Ghostbuster for a happy haunting Halloween!

Hi I’m Louanne from Everything Halloween, welcome to my blog! I just wanted to let you know that this post may contain affiliate links which means, at no cost to YOU, that I might receive compensation if you purchase something through a link on my site. In the online world this is called ‘affiliate marketing’ and is a very common way that bloggers make their money, if you want to find out more then check out this post to find out what is affiliate marketing and how we make money on this site, If you want to see my full affiliate disclosure and the other ‘legal stuff’ then click here.