Fancy Dress Ideas Beginning with K
Have you ever been to an alphabet party? When I was in my early 20s they were all the rage, somehow everytime I was invited to one it was always a P party which meant dressing up as something beginning with the letter P. You can choose any letter of the alphabet however and today I’ve chosen the letter K.
Fancy dress parties or costume parties are so much more fun when they’re themed and choosing a letter to base your party around is fun because seeing how people interpret it can be really interesting….some people really know how to think outside of the box.
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Katniss Everdeen Costume
A Hunger Games Costume IdeaKatniss Everdeen, hero of the Hunger Games series of teen books and the movie franchise is a popular choice for a ‘K’ costume. You can make your own Katniss costume – cargo pants, boots, oversized jacket and bow and arrow for example or you can get one that’s ready made like below.
This is from the the second movie in the franchise – Catching Fire and is the suit that Katniss wears when all of the previous winners are pitted against each other in a special Hunger Games.
The Hunger Games Jumpsuit Adult Costume
Kato Costume
The Hero Behind the Green HornetThe Green Hornet’s side kick Kato comes to life with this costume, but unfortunately you don’t get his superb fighting skills just by putting the chauffeur’s outfit on!!
Green Hornet Deluxe Kato Costume
Katy Perry Costumes
There are lots of different options when it comes to dressing up as Katy Perry. Wearing one of Katy Perry Wigs is one idea and dressing in a number of different outfits like a ‘naughty scout’ outfit or a 1940s style dress etc.
Katy Perry Candy Girl Costume
The Candyland inspired outfits are probably the ones that Katy is most famous for and dressing in either of these two outfits will leave no one in any doubt that you’re dressing as Katy Perry!
The Candyland inspired costume here is a fun way to dress up as Katy Perry and is available in sizes x-small up to large.
Here’s a few more of Katy’s array of costumes for you to choose from….
Katy Perry California Gurl Costume Katy Perry Last Friday Night Costume Katy Perry Whipped Cream Costume Katy Perry Roar Costume Katy Perry Katy-Patra Costume Princess of The Jungle Katy Perry Costume
Kelly Kapowski Costume
Saved By The Bell Costume IdeaIf you were a fan of Saved By The Bell then you’ll love this costume idea –
Kelly Kapowski Bayside Tigers T-Shirt
Add a pair of skinny jeans and white Keds and you have your Kelly Kapowski costume.
Kenny Costume
A South Park Costume IdeaI haven’t watched South Park in years, but one character who I always remember is Kenny, mainly for the line – “they killed Kenny”.
South Park Kenny Adult Costume (Standard)
King Henry VIII
The Most Famous of the Tudor KingsTudor costumes are always popular and the two most easily identifiable Tudor costumes are those of Henry VIII (as seen here) and his youngest daughter Queen Elizabeth. If you fancy yourself a King of many wives then here’s your chance with this costume!
King Henry The VIII Costume
King of Hearts
Unique K CostumeThis card inspired costume is quite a funny one and definitely one that will stand out from the crowd! Until I saw this costume online I had never seen it before and I love the idea that I could wear a really unique costume like this one.
King of Hearts Costume
King Tut Costume
Egyptian Costume IdeaTutankhamun, or King Tut as we’ve called him to get around the costumes starting with K brief, is one of the best known of the Egyptian pharaohs and has long held a fascination for me.
King Tut Deluxe Costume
Kirk Costume
A Star Trek Costume IdeaIf you feel like you could ‘boldly go where no man has gone before’ then this costume is made for you.
Stepping into the shoes of Captain James T Kirk is no easy feat, but exploring strange worlds sure does sound interesting.
Star Trek Gold Star Fleet Uniform Shirt
Kiss Costumes
Dress Up as Rock Stars!Whether you’re a fan of Kiss or not there’s no mistaking who you’re dressing up as with these costumes!
Whether you’re going on your own or with a group of friends these costumes based on the band Kiss will ensure that everyone will notice you. I think they’ll be really fun to dress up in if you’re going with a small group of friends.
Kiss Spaceman Costume
Kiss Demon Costume
Kiss Catman Costume
Kissing Booth Costume
An absolute classic costume, I think it’s awesome! This ready made costume is no longer available, but it would be quite a simple DIY costume to make.
Simply take a large cardboard box, cut a ‘window’ out of one side. Write Kissing Booth on it and a price and pop it onto your head!
Knight Costumes
In every fairytale there is a knight ready to save the day, these are the more classic versions of them.
Personally I like the knight in shining armour, but I hope the costume’s not as heavy as the real thing….I was allowed to try on the head piece of a coat of armour when I was younger and all I can remember was that it was really heavy!
Knight in Shining Armour Costume
Medieval Knight Costume
Koala Costume – Cute Australian Themed Costume
I love koalas so I just had to include a koala costume for you to look at!
I couldn’t personally wear it as the full head costumes make me feel clastraphobic, but the result sure does look good.
Koala Mascot Costume
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