Freddy Krueger Halloween Costumes

This Halloween I’m Going to Be……Freddy Krueger!

Freddy Krueger CostumeTo me Halloween is all about scary costumes and things that go bump in the night and the scariest movie character that I can think of is Freddy Krueger.   And so, let me introduce you to some Freddy Krueger Halloween Costumes.….

I’m not sure why I’m so scared of the Nightmare on Elm Street villain, maybe because I watched Freddy Krueger on screen at an impressionable age!

To be honest I think I can trace a caffeine addiction straight back to this movie (even with the few people I know there’s probably enough of us addicted to caffeine to launch a class action suit thinking about it!) as I drank cup after cup of coffee to try and stop myself sleeping for weeks. Somehow I still fell asleep and yet, thankfully, I also woke up!

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Freddy Krueger’s Gloves

The most distinctive part of the Freddy Krueger costume is the glove…..a glove that features metal blades in order to slash his victims….

A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Freddy Glove

Where Did Freddy Krueger Come From?

Freddy Krueger made his debut onto movie screens in 1984 straight from the mind of Wes Craven. Freddy Krueger was a child murderer who was killed by vigilantes and finds a way to come back………through dreams.

He is there to exact revenge by killing the children of the mob that caused his death. Someone being killed while they sleep? You can imagine why after watching this millions of people worldwide had problems dozing off at night!

Adult Freddy Krueger Costume

Adult Freddy Krueger Costume

Freddy Krueger was recognisable by his burnt face (he was killed in a fire), his glove, his fedora hat and his red and green striped sweater.

The costume opposite contains the sweater and mask which means all you need to add is his glove, fedora and a pair of black trousers and shoes and you’re ready to be the 80s infamous bogeyman.

If you already have a fedora hat in your wardrobe then feel free to use it, otherwise you could get the costume hat featured below. This hat is brown, but to be perfectly honest if I saw someone with a black fedora then I wouldn’t realize that the color wasn’t the same as in the movie – would you?

Nightmare On Elm Street Freddy Krueger’s Fedora Hat

Female Freddy Krueger Halloween Costume

Mrs Freddy Krueger?!

Miss Krueger Costume

Now you can also get a Freddy Krueger costume for women which they’ve tried to make a sexy Freddy Krueger costume, but personally I can’t think of the words ‘sexy Halloween costume’ and ‘Freddy Krueger costume’ in the same sentence – if you can though then you might like the costume opposite.

The costume includes the dress (based on the infamous sweater), fedora hat and the glove, all you need to add is a pair of leggings or fishnet tights (depending on the look you prefer) and a pair of shoes.

You could choose to don a Freddy Krueger mask if you wanted to as well.

Freddy Krueger Child’s Costume

You can even buy Freddy Krueger in a child’s costume although personally I wouldn’t be telling my daughter about Freddy Krueger. I was much older than she was when he first terrified the life out of me (not literally, but you know what I mean).

Child’s Freddy Krueger Shirt

Now I’ve included this costume as it’s the only one I can find for a child at this time. I used to have one that included a mask, but this one only includes the shirt so you’ll need to purchase a mask, glove and hat separately. To be honest I would probably not bother and just buy a striped jumper for your child yourself (at least it will keep him warm). The review of this costume isn’t very flattering and I haven’t been able to see it (in real life) so certainly NOT a recommendation!

Personally, if I were going to encourage a child to dress up as Freddy, I would also have a look on ebay and see if you could find a more ‘complete’ costume rather than having to buy individual bits, although not having the glove might be a great idea depending on your child!

Freddy Krueger Pet Costume

I was blown away when I saw you can even get a Freddy costume for your pet, I really love this idea and think my American Staffy would look awesome as Freddy!

Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy Krueger Pet CostumeNightmare on Elm Street Freddy Krueger Pet Costume


Check out some great Freddy Krueger costume ideas that are sure to add the 'boo' into your Halloween costume!

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1920s Style Flapper Costumes

Experience the roaring 20s by dressing up as a flapper this Halloween

1920s Flapper costumesThe 1920’s was an iconic time in America. The introduction of the 1920’s flapper was a turning point in the era of free speech and was a time of true expression for women. These women have been remembered throughout the following decades and we still have a soft place in our hearts for them today. You too can have the feeling of their freedom by becoming one…even if it’s only for one night…Halloween.

In a hurry?  Head straight to deals on 1920s Style Flapper Costumes.

Below you will find some of the most popular and the newest 1920’s flapper Halloween costumes on the market. They are as diverse as the personalities of the women who originally wore them. So take your pick and have a Happy Halloween.

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Flapper Costume Ideas – Pictures of Flappers

Flapper Costume Party Time

Photo Credits ChairWomanMay | vivevans | Chip York Photography

Don’t the people in these photos look like they’re having fun? Whenever I see images of the roaring 20s I always imagine that it would be fun (of course only for people with a little money, but in my imagination that’s me!) – I would love to drive fast in a convertible, drink champagne out of champagne saucers (forget about flutes) and wear some of the gorgeous flapper dresses – with beads of course!

I don’t have a time machine to go back and see if it really is fun, but I do have the resources on this page for us all to dress up as flappers and then the onus of having fun is all on you!

1920s Flapper Costumes in Black

Flappers wore lots of different colors from silver to black, red to white and much more so let’s look at some of the black Flapper costumes that you can buy –

 Women’s Flapper Dress – 1920s Gatsby Full Fringed Cocktail Dress

This is an absolutely gorgeous Gatsby inspired cocktail dress in black with gorgeous gold deco inspired beads, sequins and embroidery.

The fringed bottom of the dress moves exquisitely when you’re dancing.  This black flapper dress + the Charleston = sexy – it’s all about the way the fringe emphasizes your legs as you move to the music!

I would definitely invest in a black boa to wear with this dress and a long cigarette holder would look great as you’re sipping on Champagne cocktails between dancing the night away!

If that costume didn’t take your fancy then check out these other black Flapper dresses

Roaring 20’s Flapper Costume

This flapper dress is not only black, but it’s sequined which means that the dress will actually appear to shimmer as you dance and the tasseled skirt of the dress will flare out beautifully – definitely a flattering look.

If this isn’t the flapper dress for you then we have an even more sophisticated black flapper dress to choose from below.

Glamour Flapper Costume – X-Small – Dress Size 0-2

This black flapper dress seems even more sophisticated than many of the other dresses available.

It makes me think that the person who wore it would be a high society gal who was rebelling against her family and trying to be a ‘ragtime girl’, hanging out with all of the wrong people – smoking way too much and sipping Champagne cocktails like they were going out of fashion!

This costume has the look of someone on a mission and I think the look of it makes quite a statement with the long, diagonal skirt of the dress hinting at gorgeous legs as opposed to some of the shorter styles available.

flapper girls

Flappers were the name given to young ladies during the 20s who decided to buck their parent’s ideas of tradition and bob their hair, wear shorter skirts and basically have what they would have referred to as a ‘gay old time’. In other words they partied – they drank and smoked and generally lived life as carefree as they could be.

They also flouted the social norms of the time regarding sex which is probably why flapper costumes are often seen as a sexy Halloween costume to wear 🙂

Silver Flapper Dress Costumes

These sizzling silver flapper dresses are awesome and I think silver goes really well with the Champagne cocktails and topless sports cars that we think of when we think of the roaring 20s.

These flappers certainly do look like they know how to enjoy themselves and I think it would be very easy to dance the night away in these outfits whether you’ve learned to do the Charleston to really look the part or whether it’s just ‘regular’ dancing.

These silver flapper costumes will shimmer away as you move to the beat and you’ll find yourself the center of attention!

 Adult Dazzling Flapper Costume 1920s Sequin & Tassel Gatsby Dress Silver Sequin Flapper Adult Costume

Racy Red 20s Flapper Costumes

You’ll certainly stand out from the crowd wearing a red flapper dress and there is a large selection of red 1920s flapper costumes available to purchase. Here’s just a few that I’ve selected for you to enjoy.

 Women’s Broadway Flapper Costume 1920s Dazzling Flapper Costume Lindy and Lace Costume, Red 1920S Glam Party Dress in Red Roaring 20s Four Tier Flapper Dress 1920s Beaded Fringe Floral Flapper Costume

20s Costumes Can Also Be Worn as a Couples Outfit

1920 couples costumes, gangsters and flappers

A flapper and a 20s gangster is a great idea for a couple’s costume. The photo on the top right of the image of a lovely Jazz Age couple is brought to you by Jax House

Flapper Hair Styles

Bobs & Finger Waves

Flappers were known to kick tradition and cut their hair into what were considered to be boyish hair styles such as the bob and Eton crop. There were differences in the bob styles though from the sleek, graduated bob to a curly bob. The finger wave was also a popular way of styling your hair.

If you want to style your hair in a 1920s manner there are lots of videos on YouTube which show how to do a finger wave or else you could buy a 1920s wig. There are lots of different styles of wigs available and I think they really complete the costume.

Flapper Style 1920 Wigs

These wigs are available in different hair colors as well as the ones featured, but I’ve selected three styles which look really great and I’ve chosen a different hair color for each style.

 Jazz Baby Flapper Wig in Blonde Rubie’s Costume Flapper Wig, Brunette Women’s Flapper Wig, Black

Flapper Costume Accessories Check List

Do you have all of the accessories to complete your gorgeous flapper costume? Let’s have a quick look.

  1. Cigarette Holder – flappers were seen as girls who wore excessive makeup, partied too hard and smoked, but who wants to stain their fingers by holding a cigarette when you can use a cigarette holder? There are some gorgeous cigarette holders available and holding one really adds to your costume and helps transform us right back to the roaring 20s in style!
  2. Headband – feathered, jeweled or sequined headbands (or all of these things on one hair piece!) are a very important part of the flapper costume. A number of the dresses actually do come with a headband, but if yours doesn’t you really should consider adding one. There is an exception and that’s if you have a hat instead, preferably a cloche style.
  3. String of Beads or a Boa – whenever I think of flappers I always think of a long sting of beads, although a feather boa would work fine as well. I’m not sure what it is about these accessories, but the outfit never seems complete without them!

How to dress up as a glamorous 1920s flapper

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Martini Costume Ideas

A Sophisticated Cocktail Costume Idea

martini costume ideas

Dog Martini Costume via Flickr

A martini costume is a fancy dress idea that I’m sure James Bond himself would approve of and it’s certainly a very unique idea.

Let’s look at your options for martini costume ideas if you want to dress up as a martini for a special event – you can buy a ready make martini costume or make one yourself.

You can even dress your dog up as a martini if you like, as you can see from the photo opposite this is a really easy costume to put together, although if you have a dog like mine he (or she) may not appreciate one of these types of collar being put on!

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DIY Martini Costume Ideas

If you like the idea of dressing up as a martini glass there are a couple of different options available for you from buying a ready made costume (see below) to making your own costume.

There are some great ideas for making your own martini costumes at the link below, but one that’s not mentioned is by simply cutting out two giant martini glasses out of cardboard and wearing them as a sandwich board – not the most glamorous version, but handy for a last minute, budget friendly version!

DIY Martini Glass Costume Ideas – A couple of great ideas for making your very own martini costume.

Ready to Wear Martini Costume

Personally I think I’d prefer to buy a ready make costume that I know will look great and it saves me the time to make it. I like the costume I’m featuring below, but in the past I’ve also seen it in a long dress version which I also like.

Martini (Short) Adult Costume Size Standard

Now only could you wear a martini costume to any fancy dress event, but especially a cocktail fancy dress party it can also be great as part of a couples costume – the ‘other half’ being Bond, James Bond! If you’re not a fan of the secret agent then you could simply go as two martinis and wear a sign around both of your necks, one saying gin and one saying vodka.

martini costume ideas

Hi I’m Louanne from Everything Halloween, welcome to my blog! I just wanted to let you know that this post may contain affiliate links which means, at no cost to YOU, that I might receive compensation if you purchase something through a link on my site. In the online world this is called ‘affiliate marketing’ and is a very common way that bloggers make their money, if you want to find out more then check out this post to find out what is affiliate marketing and how we make money on this site,  If you want to see my full affiliate disclosure and the other ‘legal stuff’ then click here.

80s Costume Ideas for Men

80s Costume Ideas for Men80s Costumes are Cool Dude!

If you’re looking for a cool costume idea for a man this year then why not check out the eighties for inspiration?

There are so many cool 80s costume ideas for men that are absolute classics from Ghostbusters to his holy purpleness Prince, Billy Idol, MC Hammer and so many more.

If you’ve never been to a toga party in your life then you may not have grown up in the 80s under the influence of movies such as Animal House and been introduced to Bluto, a very simple costume idea in itself.

Let’s take a walk back in time to the 80s and catch up with the likes of Marty McFly, Adam Ant and ALF and get some truly bodacious costume ideas for you to try out this Halloween ……. in fact you might get so many ideas you decide to start throwing 80s parties and they’re never a bad idea!

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The Big List of 80s Costumes for Men

Awesome Costume Ideas for Eighties Dudes!

There really are lots of ideas for and 80s costume that will suit a guy so if you really can’t think of one then just check out the list below for ideas. I’ll discuss actual costume ideas further down the page and I’ll also be linking to costume ideas on this list to make it easier for you if you see the perfect idea for you.

But firstly though, let’s have a look at a few costume ideas inspired by 80s movies such as Ferris Bueller, Labyrinth and Back to the Future to name a few.

80s movie costume ideas for men

  • 80s Goth
  • 80s Hip Hop
  • 80s Jock
  • 80s Preppy
  • 80s Punk
  • 80s Yuppie
  • Adam Ant
  • ALF
  • Beetlejuice
  • Billy Idol
  • Blues Brothers
  • Bluto
  • Boy George 
  • Edward Scissorhands
  • ET
  • Flock of Seagulls singer
  • Freddy Krueger
  • Freddy Mercury
  • George Michael (Wham! days)
  • Ghostbusters
  • He-Man
  • Karate Kid
  • Magnum PI
  • Marty McFly
  • MC Hammer
  • Miami Vice
  • Michael Jackson
  • Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Mr T
  • Old School Rapper
  • Pac Man
  • Pee Wee Herman
  • Prince
  • Rambo
  • Robert Smith (from The Cure)
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Rubiks Cube
  • Scarface
  • Smurfs (any of them)
  • Superman
  • Teen Wolf
  • Top Gun

Our Favorite 80s Aliens Make Great Costume Ideas

During the 80s there are two lovable aliens who instantly spring to my mind, the first was a regular to our television screens brought to us from the planet Melmac where his real name is Gordon Shumway. I’m talking, of course, about the big furry wiseguy who we called ALF (alien life form).

The second is an alien that caused my best friend to cry when we watched him on the big screen and made us all want to phone home. This lovable alien also made a star out of a very young Drew Barrymore and is of course known to us all as ET.

Either of these aliens would make a cool unisex costume. If you’re a single guy you should know that millions of girls around the world thought this guys really were ‘out of this world’ cute!

ALF Costume

This ALF costume looks so cute I wouldn’t want to unleash it without first making sure that any cats are hidden away!

Alf Costume (Standard)

I absolutely loved ALF and watched it religiously every Thursday night with the rest of the family, it was the night when we all watched tv and ate junk food for dinner – ALF, Sledgehammer (my father loved to say, ‘trust me, I know what I’m doing) and LA Law.

This bodysuit certainly looks like it would be a warm costume which would make it ideal if you have to dress up in the winter. It looks very realistic, except the height of it and just seeing the image makes me feel very nostalgic indeed.

ET Costume

Now I know a lot of people thought ET was cute, but look at his face, I’m sorry but he was pretty ugly!

Elliott & E.T. Costume

There was something utterly endearing about him though and as far as iconic characters of the 80s go he was right up there which makes him a perfect costume choice.

I can’t find an ‘actual’ E.T. costume available at the moment, but this one is a costume of Elliott with E.T. in his bike basket which is pretty cool.

The costume includes a red zip-up style hoodie, the ‘bike basket’ with handlebars (this is actually made of cardboard), a cardboard E.T. bust with pointing finger that fits inside the basket and a white blanket to cover the bust.

80s Fashions for Men

How do you encapsulate 10 years of diverse fashion into a few paragraphs to sum up what men were wearing? I can’t think of a more diverse time in men’s fashion than the 80s – the haircuts alone varied enormously depending on your ‘clique’ as well as what year it was.

We had the mullet, the perm, the rats tail, the rocker look, the asymmetrical look, the preppy look and so much more – why we even had a white guy wearing dreads in the shape of Boy George which was absolutely unheard of until the 80s hit.

As far as clothing went you had acid-wash jeans which were often worn with an acid-wash denim jacket although as the decade progressed brown or grey leather jackets were worn with your jeans instead. Suits were big along with pastel colors – fathers around the world were disgusted to see their boys wearing ‘sissy pink’, it was so rebellious! Of course, if you’re wearing pastel colors then that also meant combining the suit with boat shoes and (gasp) no socks!

Thin, black leather ties were added to shirts and some people even owned piano key ties which were pretty cool! Sharks tooth pendants (I don’t think they were all sharks teeth as they were mainly brought at dodgy market stalls, but….) pendants were an important accessory to wear.

I haven’t even touched on half of the fashions, but I hope it’s given you a few ideas on the diversity of men’s clothing during this tumultuous decade.

Fun 80s Costume Ideas for Men

Cool Threads Man!

Here are a few ready-made costume ideas for guys that you might like to look at getting, or just get inspiration from if you’re planning on making your own outfits.

 Men’s 80s Fashion Tracksuit Old School Rapper Costume Men’s Top Gun Costume

Men's 80s Costumes

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Tudor Costume Ideas for Men & Women

Gorgeous Historical Costumes from the Tudor Era

Tudor Costume IdeasBefore we talk about Tudor Costume ideas, let’s think about the span of the historical era we refer to as Tudor & what this means for Tudor fashions.

The Tudor period took place between 1485 when Henry VII came to the throne (the first Tudor monarch) and 1603 when Elizabeth I died (the last Tudor monarch), this means that there were changes in the fashions from the beginning of the period to the end.

This is great if you’re looking at making your own costume because you can make choices between early Tudor clothing and late Tudor clothing based on what you have available.

There are also a number of famous men and women from Tudor times who you can dress up as if you choose (or you can just be a member of the court or a Tudor peasant – the choice is yours) such as Henry VIII, Cardinal Wolsey, Walter Raleigh, Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth I, or Mary I.

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In a Hurry?

==> Go Straight to a Selection of Tudor Costume Ideas

As you can see from the image above of Mary I and Princess Elizabeth entering London in 1553 (this is when Mary entered the capital to claim her throne upon the death of their brother Edward VI) society Tudors certainly used a lot of fabric in their clothing. Whenever I think of Tudor clothing I think of sumptuous materials that also had a lot of detailing on them, embroidered by gold and silver threads and even the button details on outfits could be made from metal or jewels.

Someone’s status was very tied in to how they dressed so you made sure to wear the best you possibly could …… unless you were poor that is! The Tudor peasants wore very different clothes to those in society and these were often made from scratchy wool and were certainly a lot plainer! If you’re a beginner who’s looking at making your own costume then I would definitely look at a peasant costume as opposed to a court one!

tudor costume ideas for men

Understanding Tudor Fashions

When it came to Tudor fashions for men it did change from the beginning of the Tudor era to the end, but one thing remained constant and that was hose and doublets.   Hose was basically the name given for the tight-fitting trousers that they wore which are very much like leggings today.   A doublet is basically like a tight fitting jacket that’s worn over their hose.

In early Tudor times the look of men’s fashion sees a square shape happening as they wore coats over their doublet and hoses with big shoulders – think of a classic Henry VIII outfit.   By the end of the Tudor era men’s fashions were much sleeker (think of Sir Walter Raleigh classic image) with much shorter slimline jackets being worn, along with Elizabethan ruffs around their necks.

If you want to make your own Tudor outfit for a man then you’ll find this link invaluable –

  • Kentwell Mid-Tudor Men’s Clothes – Kentwell Hall is a stately Tudor Mansion in Suffolk, England that holds regular Tudor Re-Creation Days, people take a lot of trouble to ensure that they do wear historically accurate clothing which is why the link is very handy for people making their own Tudor costumes.
  • What to Wear – Men – This site is written by someone who us a UK Re-Enactor who enjoys spending a lot of time at Kenwell Re-Creation days and is sharing her knowledge of Tudor clothing for you.

There really was a clear cut difference between what the aristocratic classes wore during Tudor times and what the everyday person would be wearing and it didn’t depend on what they could afford either!   Henry VIII passed laws about what clothes people could wear based on their position in society for example only the King and his immediate family could wear cloth made of purple silk or gold; Dukes and Marquises could use only cloth of gold woven into their coats and doublets.

You can find out more here – Mid-Tudor Sumptuary Laws

Let’s look at some ideas for specific Tudor costume ideas for you – 

Henry VIII Costume Ideas

Very Regal Tudor Costumes

When you think of men in Tudor times then Henry VIII has to be one of the first names that springs to mind doesn’t he? Henry VIII has certainly had a larger than life effect on history in several ways so it seems appropriate that if you’re thinking of a man’s Tudor themed costume that you would think of him and I’ve found a few costumes for you to choose from.

Men’s 16th Century King Henry VIII Costume

This is probably the best Henry VIII costume that I’ve seen ready to buy – it actually looks regal enough for a king and the big shoulders on the coat along with the flat cap just makes me think of Henry’s classic image.

It’s certainly a very sumptuous looking costume and embraces a lot of what I think of when I think of Tudor costumes.

 Henry The VIII Costume Mens Henry VIII Costume Men’s Henry VIII Costume

Beefeaters – A Great Tudor Costume Idea

Tudor State Dress Uniform of the Yeoman Warders

If you’ve ever been to the Tower of London then you would have seen the Beefeaters or (as they’re officially known) the Yeoman of the Guard, these were formed during Tudor times by the head of the Tudor dynasty himself, Henry VII.

The Yeoman actually have two different uniforms and the red and gold one that is worn for state occasions or when the sovereign is visiting the tower is actually referred to as the Tudor State Dress because it has changed very little since Tudor times. This makes a Beefeater costume a great idea as a Tudor Costume for men.

Regency Collection Beefeater Mens Costume

This is a ready made costume that would work pretty well for a Tudor themed fancy dress costume, although it’s not an exact replica, in fact when you see the costumes side by side it’s quite obvious which is the costume!

It is definitely Tudor inspired, however and I’m not sure how you’d be able to make a more accurate tunic unless you were good at embroidery as it’s really the detailing on the front of the costume that sets it apart.

More Tudor Costume Ideas for Men

These next couple of costumes are based on two of William Shakespeare’s male characters – Hamlet and Romeo. William Shakespeare having been born into the Tudor era and actually performing for Elizabeth I several times at her court.

I think these two costumes have a lot of Tudor fashion elements to them which makes them perfect if you want a costume that’s already been made for you and is ready to wear.

Hamlet Mens Costume

The styling of this costume is very Elizabethan in look, although the shoulders still give a nod to the squarer look favored under Henry VIII. The fitted, slimline style is totally late Tudor, court fashion though.

Romeo Mens Costume

The puff shoulders and ruffle at the neck are another classic touch associated with late Tudor fashions and this is a gorgeous looking outfit that’s sure to be a hit.

tudor costume ideas for women

Fashions for the Tudor Lady

As you could expect the Tudor fashion for women changed considerably over the course of the 118 years that made up the Tudor era.   At the start of the era the women wore tight fitting bodices with very full kirtles and gowns resulting in a look of two triangles (stacked in an hourglass formation).   On their heads they wore a coif which was attached to a cornet at the back of their head.

By the end of the Tudor era women’s fashions had evolved so that their bodices were not much longer and the skirt was worn over a farthingale.   The head dress had been replaced by jewels and around the neck ladies were wearing an elaborate ruff of lace.

Now what are kirtles, farthingales and ruffs anyway?   Let’s look at some of the words we use when we discuss Tudor fashions.

  • The Ruff is probably the first thing that springs to mind when you think of Elizabethan ladies clothes and basically started life as a frilled collar before becoming more and more exaggerated, check out how it has evolved over the late Tudor era – Elizabethan Ruffs.
  • The Kirtle is basically the ‘dress’ part of a ladies outfit.   They had been around longer than the Tudor era as you can see here, but for help in making your own Tudor Kirtle you’ll want to check out this fantastic site – Making the Kirtle.
  • The Fathingale is basically a circular frame worn under a skirt to hold the skirt out.   The one that is usually associated with Tudor fashions is the Spanish Fathingale, usually stiffened with willow, this frame was made popular by Catherine of Aragon when she first arrived in England to marry Prince Arthur (Henry VIII’s older brother) and ironically Catherine Parr (Henry’s last wife who outlived him, Catherine of Aragon was his first who he divorced) is seen to be wearing one in her portraits.   

If you’re interested in making your own Tudor woman’s costume then I have found a couple of interesting links for you –

  • What to Wear – Woman – this site contains some great information on what constitutes a great Tudor costume and is written by a UK Re-Enactor who has spent quite a bit of time at Kentwell on their Tudor Re-Creation days.
  • How to Create a Green Tudor Gown – follow this lady as she shows you her inspiration for a Tudor gown and how she constructed it.

You can get some patterns for making your own costumes as well and Simplicity did bring out their own Elizabethan gown pattern to mimic the dress used in the 1998 movie Shakespeare in Love. Although the pattern had been discontinued it’s still available to purchase through Amazon as you can see below –

Simplicity Sewing Pattern 8881 Elizabethan Gown

Now a number of people who want truly historically accurate costumes weren’t that happy with this pattern, but one person decided to use it as a template and then produced a page explaining how to improve the pattern by yourself and produce a wonderful Tudor gown that any re-enactor would love to wear.

How to Alter the Simplicity 8881 Pattern for a Better Period Gown.

Anne Boleyn Costumes

Historical Tudor Costume Ideas

Although Henry VIII was married six times in total the wife most people seem to think of when they think of him is Anne Boleyn, probably because she has been held responsible in the history books for causing Henry to split with the Catholic church and appoint himself head of the Church of England. Of course things were a little more complex than that, but this page is about costumes.

It should come as no surprise that the only costumes I could find for any of Henry’s Queens were for Anne Boleyn and there were a few to choose from.

anne boelyn tudor costumeI do like the look of this costume (although it’s presently out of stock) as it seems very in keeping with portraits we have of Anne Boleyn – the square neckline of the gown and the sleeves that become wider at the end.

I would combine this gown with a French Hood as that was Anne’s favored head dress to wear.

How to Make a French Hood – this article explains how you can make your own French Hood to compliment this gorgeous gown and complete your Anne Boleyn costume.

This next two costumes actually include the head dress as well as the gown which is a lot easier if you just want to be able to buy a ready made outfit.   The first one is one that I’ve always liked and you could make even more authentic by making a replica of her famous ‘B’ pendant and adding a couple of other long gold chains around her neck as well.

 Anne Boleyn Costume Anne Boleyn Costume

The second outfit doesn’t look like a Farthingate style of ‘hoop’ is being worn so the skirts don’t seem quite as full as with the other costumes, I also don’t think it looks quite as good around the sleeves so I would definitely pick one of the other two outfits I’ve selected if I were to be wearing them.

As we move on through the Tudor era towards the reign of Anne’s daughter Elizabeth lace starts to be incorporated more and more in ladies outfits.   We see Mary I wearing a little lace at her throat and by the time Elizabeth takes the throne the Elizabethan Ruff is the look that we always associate with the fashion of the court at that time.

This Queen Elizabeth I costume gives you an idea as to how different the Elizabethan Ruff was to early Tudor fashion for women –

Queen Elizabeth I Costume

More Tudor Costume Links

  • How to Make a Katherine of Aragon Costume
    Henry VIII’s first wife, daughter of the Catholic Monarchs was Katherine of Aragon and this page will help you to make your very own Katherine outfit from the Gable head dress to the square-necked Tudor gown.
  • How to Make an Easy Tudor Costume
    An easy way to create your own Tudor costume for men with just a few supplies
  • The Tudor Costume Page
    This website has been compiled by a reenactor who has an array of tips and information for making your own Tudor outfits.
  • Tudor Jewelry
    Learn about the type of jewelry the Tudors wore and what gemstones were used.

I do love the fashions of the Tudor era from the early Tudor fashions right through to those amazing Elizabethan Ruffs (although I think the really big ones may have been really annoying to wear!).

I love the idea of making my very own Tudor costume, but I’m probably more likely (if I’m honest) to buy one ready made!

Tudor costume ideas for both men and women, some great historical costume ideas

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