Children Love Dressing Up As Pirates!
What could be better than to dress up as a pirate? Whether it’s for Halloween, a fancy dress party or just for play Pirate costumes are fun! I used to love playing pirates when I was younger and my daughter loves it now so buying some kid’s pirate costumes makes great sense. Old fashioned piracy fires up a child’s imagination…….it can also teach them skills such as map reading.
As my daughter has gotten older we’ve moved from the ‘treasure maps’ of the back garden to showing her our map book and getting her to find our route to wherever we’re going on the weekend.
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Playing pirates can also foster a love for geography as my daughter loves her globe and atlas and even has a world map on her wall. She plots sailing journeys on them and when she sees a little island or country that sounds interesting we look it up and find out a little bit about it. Playing pirates has never been so educational!!
Pirates of the Seven Seas Dress Up Chest
As every wannabe pirate knows you keep your treasure in a chest so where better to stow your pirate costume and accessories than in a pirate’s treasure chest?
Set includes: Hat, headpiece, vest, belt, eye patch, play pistol, fake teeth, expandable telescope, 2 earrings, hook hand, 3 tattoos, sword, 12 play gold coins, coin pouch, treasure map and treasure chest.
Everything in this set is all that your child will need to dress up as a pirate anytime they want, which will probably include when you want them to go shopping with you!!
Having a complete set means that you have your eye patch, treasure map and telescope all of which are essential for pirates, now you can just wear your jeans or trousers and add these accessories, but there’s just something about the old buccaneer type of pirate that looks so ‘real.’ Let’s have a look at some of the amazing child’s pirate costumes that are on offer.
I hate that this dress up chest is no longer available, but I’ve kept it on this page as it’s a great idea and one that you could compile for yourself as an awesome gift idea for a pirate loving child. Find a treasure chest you like and add all of the things listed above in it, or make up your own pirate dress up needs.
Pirate Costumes for Boys
Aaarrrgh Me Hearties!
If your child wants to ride the high seas as a swashbuckling pirate then this costume will help him board his ship in style! The costume includes the brown leather look vest with attached white shirt. It also includes the striped pants and the boot tops. Also included is the hat, waist sash and belt.
You can purchase extra accessories to add to this outfit (or raid the dress up chess if you have one), items such as an eye patch and a cutlass would look awesome.
More Pirate Costumes for Boys
Ahoy There Me Hearties, we’ll be the best pirates at any party!
Pirate costumes for boys come in a range of sizes from toddlers right through to a large child’s size so click on the costume you like to see the sizing that’s available and don’t forget to throw in a few salty pirate sayings as you’re transforming your little boy from an angel (?) into a pirate.
Pirate Captains
If there’s one thing cooler than dressing up as a pirate it’s being the captain! Here are a couple of pirate captain costumes for you to choose from……..don’t they both look cute!
Pirate Costumes for Girls
Anything boys can do girls can do too, grrrrrrhhhh!!
It’s not just boys who dream of being pirates, many girls do too! My dd wanted to have a pirate party when she was 4, despite the fact that most of her (girl) friends at that time were still having princess parties……she liked princesses and dolls, but being a pirate was cool because ‘… pirates get to see the whole world mummy – do you know how awesome that is?’
As far as parents go, who can resist some of these cute pirate costumes for girls and as they get older they can try on a gothic take on pirates in some of the ‘older’ pirate costumes for girls.
Cute Pirate Costumes for Girls
Pirate costumes for girls can look the same as the boys or as cute as this next one, they can even look Goth when you get into some of the teen pirate costumes for girls.
Goth Inspired Pirate Costumes for Girls
As your girls start to hit their teens (or maybe even their tweenage years) many of them will flirt with Goth a little bit which is where these pirate costumes come in –
POPLife Gothic Pirate Girl Teen Costume Size: Jr (3-5)GSG Pirate Costume Teen/Tween Halloween Fancy Dress
More Pirate Costumes
Pirate Costumes for the Whole Family!
Pirate Fancy Dress Costumes
Pirate costumes have long been a favorite of children everywhere, the pirate life seems like it’s full of adventure when you’re a child so haul up the Jolly…
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